San Marcos Lawyer
(512) 920-0529
Attorneys in San Marcos Tx
Searching for a San Marco Criminal Defense Lawyer can take some effort. In order to be thorough enough a person, in this stressful period, needs to thoughtfully search and make the phone calls. During this short and critical period be sure and ask about experience and success. Not all lawyers in San Marcos Tx are the same. The San Marcos lawyer needs to know law, procedures, and how to proceed with negotiations in each particular case.
San Marcos Dwi Attorney
If you are charged with a DWI or need a San Marcos DUI Lawyer, we can handle it. These cases require fairly immediate action and we need to try and preserve your right to drive. Your driver’s license can be facing a suspension period of differing lengths depending on the circumstances. Contact us immediately to find out how we can possibly get the case dismissed and save your license.
Hays County Jail
The Hays County Jail website has court dates and other useful information that a criminal defense attorney in San Marco Tx will use as a starting point.