Texas Animal Lawyer

(512) 920-0529

Texas Dangerous Dog Lawyer

If your dog has been accused of biting or attacking someone in Texas please call me. I defend dogs in court in what is called a ‘dangerous dog hearing.’ Dogs, for the most part, do not get due process in court. They should have an experienced advocate to tell their side of the story. A judge’s decision can amount to life or death for your beloved best friend depending on what the court ruling is. Eric’s Texas dangerous dog hearing youtube video

Be careful who you call and talk to. Most of the lawyers advertise ‘animal law’ and focus on suing pet owners. Other lawyers focus on defending people accused of animal cruelty. (I do if the person is wrongly accused.) If your dog has bitten another animal or person, you will not want to give an unknown opposing lawyer your information over the phone that may be used against you. (This also would create a conflict of interest for that lawyer they should not accept a case against you.) 

Dangerous Dog Hearing-Bodily Injury

The basics on handling a dangerous dog hearing can differ depending on the jurisdiction. There are bodily injury allegations and separately serious bodily injury cases where a dog has most likely been seized. It is highly recommended to speak to legal counsel and not handle the case alone. Many times a person does not realize that the dog’s life is at stake based on the outcome of a seemingly informal hearing. 

Dangerous Dog Hearing-Serious Bodily Injury

In Texas ‘bodily injury’ and ‘serious bodily’ injury are separate actions animal control accuses a dog of causing. A serious bodily injury accusation creates a critical situation for the animal. A judge can order the dog to be euthanized. Some judges will do so even if it is the first time the dog bit anyone. I have experienced troubling hearings. The prosecutor and animal control officer recommended to the judge to kill the dog based on no proof that the dog was really dangerous or would ever do it again.

The circumstances in many of these cases are not the dog’s fault, but usually human error. An entitled jogger or walker will frighten the dog that was minding it’s own business smelling grass or going to the bathroom. It’s important to take the accusations seriously and understand there many people who dislike dogs, even some dog owners (who claim to love animals).

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