Milam County Criminal Lawyer

Successfully serving all counties in the region


Cameron Texas Criminal Defense Attorney

For excellent result in a criminal case look no further. With several years of criminal defense law experience, I know how to handle a number of different defense cases. All misdemeanor and felony cases handled in Milam County and surrounding Texas counties. Your case needs to thoroughly be investigated for defenses making no assumptions of guilt. I look at all the circumstances.

Milam County DWI

DWI charges in Texas are common. Each case has its own facts. The very first issue is the reason for the stop or encounter. We all have a constitutional right to the fourth amendment against illegal search and seizure. There are other issues about whether the state can prove intoxication. There are medical conditions and fatigue that can appear to be like intoxication. Do not assume there is no hope for a positive outcome with a Milam County DWI or DUI case.

Cameron,TX Misdemeanor and Felony Lawyer

All cases are handled from Class C misdemeanors up to Felony cases in Cameron, Tx and across Milam County, Tx. Common cases are DUI, DWI, Drug Possession, Assault, Theft, Evading Arrest, and Assault Family Violence to name a few charges. Contact the number above with any questions about your circumstances. Usually things are not as bad as they seem. Fill in the form with some of the issues and let’s see what we can do.

Milam County Assault Lawyer

A popular charge in court is assault or domestic assault family violence. Arguments usually happen over something minor and escalate to something physical. With emotions running high a person calls 911. What is said at the time may or may not be how the situation really took place. With the serious consequences of this charge it is important to get competent legal counsel. Gun ownership rights are at stake in domestic violence cases. A misdemeanor can be a felony if subsequent cases recur.

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